Friday, October 02, 2009

God is strange!

I've been watching. I watch what he does, who he uses and how he works and I have come to a conclusion- God is strange! He's strange to me because I don't know what he knows, I am not in charge as he is, I don't know the end as he does. I am not wise and so the wisdom of God and how he works really looks strange, weird, upside down, backwards, goofy to me. Is that clear? I hope so, but what I'm expressing is something others say to me in a hundred different meetings in a thousand different ways. I don't understand what God is doing! So, here's the question from God, "Ok, I know you don't understand, but will you trust me anyway?" That was his question to Job and it's his question to us. We have to decide two things to answer this question, 1. Is he able to help me? and 2. Is he trustworthy? If I answer "yes" to these two questions, then I must trust this most strange God of the universe as he works in my life with two things as his goals- my good and HIS glory.


  1. I agree, God is strange to me too. What I am going through at this particular embarkment in my life shows me how trust worthy He really is. I don't always understand but continue to live the way He tells me. Even when I don't see direct results I continue believing and living out His Word.

    I went a long time not seeing any results but stayed faithful and now as a result am seeing God work in His misterious ways. Little by little the puzzle pieces are being put together.

  2. I read something this morning that I thought was fitting to this post.
    So I wanted to share it.

    All human attempts to explain God are inadequate, and can even distort our priorities, confuse our thinking, and flatten our understanding of the spiritual life. To keep from distorting God's truth, we must rely on God's power rather than man's wisdom.
