Saturday, October 24, 2009

God has spoken

I take it for granted, but I know I shouldn't. I have a bible....rather, if you know me well you know that I have a bunch of bibles. I love God's word. If possible I'm reading his word at least an hour a day. It brings life into focus for me. I cannot see or understand the world, my life or the situations around me without it. His words are more important to us than the food we eat. I know many people in the world do not know God nor do they know that he has spoken to us. But I'm so glad that he has clearly told us of himself, of the world and has put life in focus. Without his word we couldn't see anything clearly.


  1. I am so glad too, Mike. Without God's word, this life would make no sense...

  2. That is so true. That is why when I find myself to "busy" to really spend some quality time reading the Word, life gets out of focus.

    Thanks for sharing!
