Friday, October 30, 2009

Children, costumes and candy

It's that time of the year...time to purchase mass quantities of candy for all the cute little children who will be visiting your house tonight. It's a great time to see all the "little monsters" making the rounds in some really strange costumes. For them it's great fun. For us it's an evening of answering the doorbell and passing out candy until we exhaust the supply. For our poor dog it's an evening of constant vigil as he guards our home with barks and bravado when he sees the strange masks worn by each child. Halloween, for kids, is all about the candy. For me it's money spent I didn't want to spend....oh wait, it's not time for me to a be Grinch yet. Sorry about that. Have fun and eat lots of candy!


  1. You can always do what we do now that the boys are older - turn off your porch light and don't answer the door and eat the candy yourself.

    The chocolate eases the grinchlike feelings.
