Monday, October 05, 2009


I remember using this word when I was younger. I've heard it used by my kids and grand kids. "I'm bored" is the verbal yawn of our culture that we have simply had too much stimulation. I wonder if we are just too informed, too entertained, too stimulated and we have become numb to it all. So, what's the next level of stimulation for an overwhelmed culture? What do we do next to entertain? Are we coming to a time when nothing will satisfy the culture that has it all? It's sure possible, isn't it? This little cartoon just made me think a bit and so my rambling thoughts pour forth. For a culture overwhelmed with more information and stimulation than we can handle what will bring us to the point we say "enough!" I wonder.

1 comment:

  1. If I'm bored, a nap usually works for me.

    Seriously, I'm always entertained by a book or doing some type of craft. I can always find something to do. When my kids would say, "I'm bored." I usually responded with, "I'm not the cruise director. Go find something to do." I think they were afraid I'd put them to work...which I would. =-)
