Friday, September 11, 2009


Eight years ago today our country experienced a tragedy that had not happened since Pearl Harbor- we were attacked! Thousands died and our nation was changed forever. On that horrible morning, for some reason, I was home watching the morning news. What the news media thought was an accident when the first plane crashed into one of the world trade towers clearly became much more when a second plane crashed into the other tower. I watched in unbelief as the news commentators tried to put the pieces together. Soon the realization came that we were under attack! I still remember the days that followed. Strange days, quiet days. Quiet for us because we live under the flight path of the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport and hear a hundred planes a day fly overhead, but in the weeks that followed this attack it was completely silent. These were very strange days...this was a very fearful nation. I think it has changed our nation forever. Somehow we believed that nothing like this would ever happen here and when it did our veneer of safety was suddenly stripped away. It changed something at the very heart of this nation and its people. As I watch the years that have followed that day I see a different country emerging from this disaster. Tragedy does changes you, it has changed us as a nation. Now, there is nowhere safe. I pray it will be an ongoing challenge for us to trust in God and not in man.....


  1. I was sitting in Mobil Oil's data center down on Stemmons. Talk about going into lock down! We went upstairs to the command center and watched in horror. And by noon, Love field to our east and DFW to the west were very quiet.

  2. It was a strange thing to not hear airplanes overhead. We were having our house painted at the time and I was standing outside talking with Eric Allen and the deafening quiet was very eerie.
