Thursday, September 24, 2009

Quote of the day

Some quotes, although political in nature, are just too good not to share. This quote is from a Jerusalem Post article about President Obama's speech at the United Nations. It's part of an article by MICHAEL FREUND, here are a few of his words from the article,

"...sounding like a scorned substitute teacher being ignored by his pupils,"
It's amazing how well some writers can paint pictures with words. Michael is one of those authors. I just loved the imagery of these few words and wanted to share them with you.
(Disclaimer- this is NOT a political comment on my part, simply a fascination with words.)


  1. what did they say about Libia's Quidaffy??

  2. I don't think much commentary was needed there.

  3. I'm going to have to share this one with my husband who loves these kinds of "word paintings"
