Sunday, September 27, 2009

Coming soon...

I'm working on a new post I hope to have up soon. I would love your feedback on the title alone. Let me know what the title provokes in your thoughts and ideas it brings to mind.

Ok,'s the title- "Band-aids and bullet holes."

Coming soon....


  1. Hrm...interesting. Maybe too little too late?

    I know if I saw a Dr. putting a band-aid on a bullet hole I would wonder what the heck he was doing. You gotta get in there and get the bullet out, man! That bans-aid ain't gonna cut it.

    Look forward to it.

  2. This title is so intriguing! What could it be that would go under this banner? I want to know! Looking forward to it, bro Mike!

  3. Fix the minor problem(bandaid, Kill the major problem(bullet hole)
