Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Amazing times!

We are in amazing times! All around me I see people drowning. Drowning from the loss of a job, the failure of their marriage, the fears of our days, the depression that comes when things get really tough. A large church in our area is focusing all of their attention on marriages right now because they have seen so many fail. We are not near anarchy yet, but many feel that anarchy has hit their lives. With the troubling economy, world events, fears of being homeless, marriages in trouble and whatever you might add to this list there are a lot of people drowning. The church of Jesus Christ is the solution God has put in place for these outstretched hands. Reach out to the one nearest you and grab it. Pull them into your boat, help them with encouragement, prayer, friendship and someone to listen to. There are outstretched hands everywhere, reach out and grab one....

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