Sunday, August 23, 2009

Taking care of each other

This afternoon I've been thinking about the way the body of Christ, His church, takes care of its members. I think of those who are struggling and others who pray for them. I think of those in need and the way the church meets those needs. I realize how I have gotten through difficult times as the body of Christ has prayed for me, encouraged me and walked with me. This last week I was part of this very thing in the lives of several people and I watched with joy as the church family cared for its members. We, as Christians, are part of the body of Christ. We may not even realize all that means, but I see it working. I see it happening as men meet together to encourage and challenge each other. I see it happen as those in need call the church first and ask for prayer, for help and for direction. The church family was God's design to work with him for the care and nurturing of his family. I love his church. This worldwide family has worked with God to care for and help one another for more than 2,000 years. This amazing family has kept many from drowning and carried them through to safety when the floods and storms of life threaten to overwhelm them. What an amazing family, what a strange way God has of caring for his children.

1 comment:

  1. wow.its a very rare view...its seems like that they are very good friends

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