Monday, August 17, 2009

"Revelation Song" - Gateway Worship, Song led by Kari Jobe

We sang this wonderful song at the end of our services yesterday. I love it. It's been done a lot in the last two years, but it's a wonderful praise song and one of my favorites. It comes from Revelation 5 and is a song of praise that everyone will one day sing. There are many who will sing it one day to honor the King of kings, but had never bowed their knees until that day. I'm so glad we can sing it now and practice for that day. I do believe this song has been written for our days to prepare us for the day when we will get to sing it for the King himself. I can't wait for that day!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad CBC foregoes the strobe lights....Or "Stoke lights"....
