Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Quote of the day

"When the God of the Bible is rejected, people choose a new god. The postmodern age has anointed secular tolerance as its god. Tolerance once meant listening respectfully to all points of view, freely discussed in our common search for the truth. But the creed for the new god of tolerance is that knowing truth is impossible. So everyone is free to think and act as he likes, with one exception: those who have the audacity to believe that they know the truth, particularly if they think God has revealed it to them, are not tolerated. The result is that those who crowned the new god of tolerance have become the absolute arbiters of culture. The new god of tolerance becomes, in the guise of liberalism, an absolute tyrant." -Chuck Colson, "THE FAITH"


  1. Great quote. If you don't mind I'm going to post this on my site as well.

  2. Kris,

    Of course, feel free to use it. And, I highly recommend Chuck's new book. It's a blend of Systematic Theology and Apologetics for the layman. I am really enjoying it.
