Sunday, August 02, 2009

Quote of the day?

I read this quote today and thought it deserved comment. Here's the quote-

"The greatest tragedy in mankind's entire history may be the hijacking of morality by religion." — Arthur C. Clarke

Now, may I comment? I smiled at this quote from a famous author who may be knowledgeable about many things, but knows little about morality or religion. Morality was established by God, not religion. Man didn't come up with morality, in fact the bible records clearly that man avoids and breaks any rules God may establish. Man, on his best day, would never come up with morality, it has to come from outside of ourselves. Man, by nature, is a rule breaker, not a rule maker. Morality was God's idea and never the desire of mankind. This is one quote that reveals more about it's author than it does about religion or morality.

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