Sunday, August 16, 2009

In the face of the storm

Storms come to every life.
Some dread them,
others face them as a challenge,
and still others consider the storms great adventures to face head on.
Which one are you?
We are in a time of storms. The economy, unemployment, world events, war, terror on every side, recession...
Fears abound!
Jesus said these days would come....they're here! How do we face the storms with a sense of adventure instead of fear or dread? Jesus said it's all about our foundations. What are you depending on when the storm comes?
Storms test our foundations. They reveal what we are trusting. What is your life built on? How do you face the storms? Is it an adventure or do you dread the storms when they come? These are just a few questions to think about in a time when storms are coming, one after another. It's a time to learn how to handle the storms of these days. For the church it's vital we face them together, caring for one another, helping each other and doing what God called us to do- be the body of Christ in the world. What an exciting time we live in! What a wonderful opportunity to trust God.

1 comment:

  1. I really don't like to be out in storms. I love them from a distance, from inside my house protected by roof and walls. But, I don't like them up close and personal. However, I find that God has been sheltering me through some heavy duty personal storms in the last months. I am thankful that He is the rock I lean against. On Him I can rest and see the storm completely through. And amazingly enough without any help from me He waters the grounds as I am going through the storm - and when the rainbow comes I get to enjoy the beauty that He has planted and done through me while I was simply leaning up against His Rock!!!!
