Thursday, August 20, 2009


I'm constantly frustrated in my attempts do what I was designed to do- live a life in relationship with the living God directed by his Spirit and "sailing" with him. The Christian life was meant to be living, active life in fellowship with God, but I find I'm often grounded on the rocks of a dilemma, or battling some great issue that keeps me from fulfilling my purpose. I was meant to "sail." And most of the time I find I'm stuck on some rock somewhere.....trying to get back to what I was designed to do. I think the truth of it is that this is much harder AND much easier than we all know. Paul described it quite simply, but it's not simple at's frustratingly difficult at times. He wrote these simple words for us to "sail" by, "Walk by the Spirit and you will not fulfill the deeds of the flesh..." Simple "sailing" instructions for the Christian, but often...very often most difficult to do. When I'm grounded on a problem or stuck because of my sin the big battle is to get my boat back in the water, to get my sail up so the Spirit can direct me. I long to sail under the gentle wind of God's Spirit, but often have to admit to him that my flesh, my problems, my fears have grounded me and I couldn't sail with him even if his Spirit blew. Each day is an opportunity for us to raise the sail and let God lead, but watch out for the rocks....

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, brother. That certainly resonated with me. I struggle too, sometimes to obey the most obvious and simple things like, "love your wife."

    Discovering more about myself just makes me more amazed that God loves me like he does.
