Saturday, August 22, 2009


It happens to all of us at one time or another.....disaster! Problems loom on the horizon for all of us. We all live with a subtle sense of dread of what is coming next. Last night disaster struck for me. I got home from the church, got out my trusty laptop to get online and do some writing and it crashed! My computer with all my stuff on it crashed! I lost everything! Luckily, with some help from tech support in India and a sweet lady in New Delhi I was able to get the computer running again, but all my stuff was gone. It's part of the price we pay for technology, but often I think the price is too high. So, this morning I'm grieving over the loss of several years of stuff I have worked on. I did backup a lot of it, but my backup is not as recent as I would like. So, I'll be a little slow posting for a bit, please be patient with me. Thanks.


  1. ouch! Happened to me a few months ago. I have since invested in an external hardrive to back everything up. Good luck

  2. Mike, I back up everything to an offsite service. It cost $50 a year. I don't have to remember to do anything, just set it up. When we purchased a new computer, it saved our lives! I got the new machine working, installed the programs, and then connected to their web site and click on a few links and then did a "restore my new computer". About 6 hours later, ALL of it was back. 10 years of photo's, documents, bank numbers....
    I can forward you a link. If you sign up, they extend me a free month.
    Sorry to hear you lost data.
