Saturday, August 29, 2009

Alluringly packaged abominations

Sarah Honig, in the Jerusalem Post, wrote an article titled, "Alluringly packaged abomination". The title caught my attention more than the contents of the article. An artist with words can often say more in a title than can be said with pages of explanation. This title was like that for made my mind race to think about what this would look like. What I want to focus on for a moment is the packaging of sin. I must admit to you that our enemy does a great job of packaging his products. As I thought about this idea it made me realize that we are a most gullible race. We gladly buy a pretty package to find that when we open it there is nothing good inside. The package says, "fun, freedom and choice", but inside is disappointment, sickness, and loss. As I think about this idea my mind races back to a marketing program a few years ago. Do you remember the "Pet Rock"? It was a great marketing campaign to package and sell rocks. And it worked! Put a pretty bow and a nice label on the box and we will buy anything! Our enemy knows that about us, so he has, from the beginning, been the master marketer, the genius of packaging. He will wrap up the most horrible things, package them beautifully and we will gladly give our lives to have them. As an old friend said years ago, "when given the opportunity to eat at a wonderful buffet the human race will almost always choose to eat out of the dumpster." I wonder, what "alluringly packaged abominations" have tempted you lately?

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