Monday, July 06, 2009

You won't believe this....

The marketing of Christianity has finally reached its peak (or should I say its valley). Now you can purchase a PERSONALIZED bible. Here's an example of what it looks like-

John 5:24
Mike has passed from death to life in Christ. Most assuredly I tell you, if Mike hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, Mike has eternal life, and doesn't come into judgment, but he has passed out of death into life.

Rom. 3:24
Mike has been justified through grace. Mike is justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.

Rom. 5:1
Mike has been justified, completely forgiven, made righteous, and has peace. Being therefore justified by faith, Mike has peace with God through his Lord, Jesus Christ.

I'm not sure who thought of this idea, but it takes marketing Christianity to a whole new level. The problem for me is that God's word is not all about me, it's all about HIM.
For someone to put my name in the text like this is just plain wrong! I am amazed that someone would think this is a good idea and market it, but they have.....just thought you would want to know.


  1. No to mention that many times the text is written to "you ALL" not just "you" (singular). Oh brother - what people will do to see what's already a very good book!

  2. Wow. I wonder if someone has already had it done with the name of their:
    1) IPOD (Mr. Cha-Cha)
    2) Cat (Sir Fluffy Snoggles)
    3) Car (MR. Hot Pipes)
    4) Michael Jackson (wait...someone did...)

  3. "The problem for me is that God's word is not all about me, it's all about HIM. For someone to put my name in the text like this is just plain wrong!"

    AMEN, brother. Honestly, Christian bookstores have nauseated me for years. Not all of them, of course, and I understand they are a business, but come on, people. And we wonder why no one thinks Christianity is genuine.

  4. hi there,
    you have a very interesting blog. I happened to "accidentally" crash in. About this personalized bible thing, I'm pretty amazed by it. Maybe shocked is a better word.

    Sometimes, I wish Christian bookstores will match their business with their walk. Maybe giving a certain % of profits to provide believers in countries with little bibles? (the no.of versions and styles of bibles we have shames us when we consider many who wants one but have none)
