Wednesday, July 08, 2009

While I've been gone...

It's the end of a long day of driving and I'm exhausted! This morning, at 3:30am, Joye and I hoped in the van, picked up the kids at 4am and headed for Iowa. 800 miles later, with more stops for bathrooms than I can count, we are finally here. Traveling with four small children will make a long trip into a series of short trips with numerous visits to all the best restrooms along the way.

Why are we here you ask? My parents are celebrating their 60th anniversary this week and we came up to be with them for this wonderful celebration. My dad is 83 and mom is 78. We didn't want to miss this time with them and so we are here. We saw my parents for a bit tonight and then to the motel for some rest. I'm really excited to be here with them and I consider myself very blessed to have my parents still living and married to each other after all these years. I know this is most rare these days.

While I've been gone I also noticed I have missed a number of good discussions on a previous post. Thanks, Brandon, for doing all my work for me. I appreciate you, brother. Thanks for your sweet spirit and for doing such a wonderful job defending the faith.

Ok, exhaustion has set in. Some rest tonight, a flat tire to fix in the morning and then off to the celebration with my wonderful parents.

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