Friday, July 10, 2009

Thoughts from the gospel of John

I'm reading through the gospel of John and came to the end of chapter 7 and beginning of chapter 8 and I find these two contrasting verses-

7:53 Everyone went to his home.

Then, beginning chapter 8 is this contrast-

8:1 But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.

This contrast is so obvious I am always caught by it as I read through these verses. Clearly, the Jewish leaders go home to a warm bed and roof over their heads, but what a contrast....Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. The implication is clear. He slept on the mount, possibly in the garden, without a bed, without a roof.

The reason this catches my attention is the dramatic contrast of these two verses. The very creator of the universe, the Lord of heaven and earth is sleeping in a garden while his opponents are home asleep in bed, warm and dry. I cannot escape the amazing contrast of these two verses and the people involved. I cannot escape how much Jesus gave up to come and save us. I cannot imagine how humble Jesus was to do all of this, to sleep in a garden, to lay aside his throne to become a human being and ultimately die to save us. It's an amazing contrast.

Personally, I'm most grateful that Jesus humbled himself in this way. It's such an amazing example to me. To humble himself and serve me in this way leaves me grateful and challenged to follow his example as a servant.

Just a few thoughts from two short verses.


  1. Hmmm.
    But as creator, he WAS in his home.
    Just as the others returned to the homes they'd built.

    And the quiet stillness must have been wonderful. I spent two nights laying out on the seawall in Corpus a few weeks back. Amazing. Shooting stars, satelites going over, the stars rotating, the sea air....

    And from some hiking, backpacking, camping forums, there are quite a few people willingly sleeping in their back yards tonight!

  2. I am reminded of Matt. 8:20:

    Jesus replied, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head."

    Personally, I tend to get way too comfortable here. We need to remember, as Jesus did, that we aren't home yet.

  3. I want to quote someone by reason of contrast.
    Quote "The Great Western Heresy : That we can be saved as individuals, that any of us alone can be in a right relationship with GOD" - Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori
    I would feel angery for useing her position to exposit her beliefs but I dont. I truely hope for GOD to enlighten her because she is in a lonely place with no way out. Without GOD in my life pesonally - I am nothing, literally.
