Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Observation for the day

I'm reading in Leviticus right now and it suddenly struck me....

God is not now, nor has he ever been, politically correct.

And for that I'm eternally grateful!


  1. My question for the day: What the heck are you doing reading in Leviticus? Please tell me you're on some sort of structured reading plan, Mikey! ;)

  2. yes, it's part of my reading plan and to be honest I can't wait to finish Leviticus! But don't tell anyone...

  3. I just love reading Leviticus. Oh wait...

    It's definitely the driest of the Fab Five.

    Mike, have you ever read "The Trivialization of God"?

    You woudl like it.

  4. I take note that all previous comments are from those that at some point in their lives Leviticus was a required reading assignment. But yes some of the rest of us have read the book just to see if we could understand anything. Mike McM

  5. Haha. I read it before it was required. But I must say it's much more difficult when someone says you have to read it for a grade.

    I have not read it since seminary, I'm ashamed to say.

  6. I had a class in school on Leviticus. The prof said, "Divide up in two groups, I only want to see you 1/2 the time. I have to be here every class, but you don't." Great way to start understanding a key book in the Old Testament, huh? It has clouded my thoughts on the book since. I do like it, but it is hard to read, and not much for a Christian to use in their daily lives....except this- I'M SO GRATEFUL I DON'T HAVE TO DO ALL OF THIS! THANK YOU, JESUS, FOR PAYING THE PRICE SO WE DON'T HAVE TO LIVE THIS WAY.

  7. Speaking of Leviticus, what about the recent aricle "Episcopalians: Bishops can bless same-sex unions"

    Any thoughts?


  8. Frank,

    You asked for thoughts- here's mine: It's clear, from the bible, that homosexuality is sin. It's a sin that God specifically addresses. It's no different than any other sin. As a pastor I cannot bless sin. God says he is holy, and expects the same from us. I cannot bless or sanction stealing because God is not a thief. I cannot bless or sanction lying because God is not a liar. Sin and God's holiness are the issues here, the sin and our "rights" are not. Whatever the sin what does God say about it? Let's do that!
