Friday, July 24, 2009

Life without TV

Well, it's day two without television. Strange. Without thinking I've reached for the remote several times only to stop myself when I remember that it's dead. But to be honest, the silence is really nice. All I can hear is the clock on the mantle ticking and the jets overhead. It's quiet. But I'm not used to it. Like everyone else in our culture I'm used to noise as a 24 hour companion.
I remember my first exposure to television when my parents got their first set. It was black and white. Rabbit ear antenna on top. Fuzzy picture, but there on the screen was a football game. It was magical. We watched Gunsmoke every week. My dad loved and still loves westerns. I've been an addict for these last 55 years and can't imagine how anyone lived before television, but really nice not having it on. I could grow to like this.....


  1. I remember the old "black and whiter" too. It's funny...when I talk with my younger co-workers about remembering when we got our first TV, as well as our first color TV, they look at me like I am an alien!

    I remember ending up under our TV (the old kind on legs) screaming bloody murder when the Beatles were on Ed Sullivan. I think I was 9. I remember my grandfather looking at my grandmother and saying, "What is WRONGwith her???". The same grandfather who watched the moon landing with us and who never did believe it. At the time, I thought he was I am not so sure.

    Anyway, I think it would be really nice to "pull the plug", but I guess I am a chicken. And besides, football is starting soon. GO BENGALS!!! LOL

  2. I always get that line in my head, from Pink Floyd "the wall"...about how many channels of......on the TV
