Thursday, July 09, 2009

Balancing truth and arrogance

I saw this cartoon a few days ago and immediately understood the message. It's far too easy to find truth and then, without even realizing it, become arrogant about the truth we have found. This is a problem in any arena, but I've seen it far too often in Christian circles. I pray that I will be able to humbly share the truth of what I have found in God's word without an attitude of arrogance. It's a natural trap for the faith and one we must intentionally avoid.


Anonymous said...


Everyone thinks they have truth and if someone else doesnt see it like them, well then they are just plain wrong, poor folks. this is the height of arrogance. And i am not even talking about different religions, i see this within christianity!

Just look around, there are countless denominations and a wide spectrum of liberal to conservative views about christian doctrines. you have catholics, evangelicals, charismatics, mormons, neo-orthodox, orthodox, etc...Each group thinks they have lock and key on truth and all others are wrong. Even for those who look to the bible as their source of truth, and not all denominations do, their is a wide variety of outcomes when it comes to its interpretations.

The key to all of this is to be genuine, tolerant, listen to others, respect their views, be open to what they are saying without condeming them. Who knows, maybe you will actually learn something?

Be humble,

Zander Smith

Anonymous said...

I may put this picture on my blog as well since its message is so powerful and far reaching.