Saturday, May 02, 2009

Saturday's cartoon

If you aren't offending someone then you aren't saying anything. We are in a time and culture when the right to be offended is silencing the right to speak and believe. If you believe anything at all then someone will be offended by it. If culture wins then you shouldn't believe anything that might offend. If culture wins then you shouldn't say anything that might offend. If culture wins then we each individually lose. So, believe, speak, be bold and know that somewhere, sometime, someone will be offended. Believe it, speak about it anyway. If it's true it's worth the risk!


  1. "We are in a time and culture when the right to be offended is silencing the right to speak and believe"

    If it's ok with you, I'm going to steal that quote.

  2. When I said, 'steal' I meant 'quote you'.


  3. I know, dear friend, I know...and as I have said before...use anything on this page if it's a help to someone else. Love you, brother.

  4. I just posted a post which deals with this very thing...just waiting for the sparks to fly over it.
