Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"Picture frame" vision

One of the great frustrations for us humans is what I would call "picture frame" vision. We only see a little bit of what is actually going on in our world, in our lives, in God's plan. Our vision is limited and that frustrates us. We can't see what's coming, what God's working on...we only see a snapshot of our situation right now. It's frustrating because with limited vision we become fearful, frustrated and easily lose our direction. Our "picture frame" vision only let's us see a part of what is really going on in God's great plans. We want to see it all, we want to know what's next, we want answers! But what of faith? Where is trust in God for the rest of the picture that we can't see? Will we trust him for what we can't see? Will we let him show us the rest of the picture when he's ready? It demands trust. It requires patience. It mandates a big God. Honestly, I'm glad I can only see a little of what is going on in my life, it does make me trust God, it does give me hope that there's more going on in my life than what I see right now. So, when you get frustrated with your view of life take a moment to realize that there's much more to see than what you see right now. Trust the Lord to reveal it to you when he's ready....
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...I haven't stopped by here for a while (or my own blog, actually!) but as usual, you have knocked me on the head with the simplicity of what I needed to hear!

    Thanks :)
