Monday, March 23, 2009

What would you say? (conclusion)

Last week I shared a proposition with you. (See my March 16th post for the proposition.)

The question was this, "What would you say?" The answer is revealed in the lives of men of faith through the centuries starting with the life of David, a man after God's own heart. David is the first to have his life laid bare to us. Both His good choices and his bad are written for us to read. His journals (Psalms) have been a blessing and encouragement to believers for centuries. He didn't do everything perfectly. God knows that won't happen in any of our lives, but he wanted God's will in his life.

Men and women through the centuries have followed his example and have demonstrated what God can do with those who want to follow God above all else. So, what would you say? If you could only see all that God is doing in your life for HIS glory, if you could only see how he's taking your messy life and making it a model of his grace you would say "YES, please tell everyone all that YOU have done in my life"....because God's goal is his glory and our good.

1 comment:

  1. I've enjoyed the posts about this and the reference to it in the sermon. I cannot imagine my life being worthy of being shown and yet, I do know I have seen God work in my weakness and poor choices and seen miraculous things. So, I would say yes and trust Him. After all, He sees the big picture and I don't. Thanks for a thought provoking post (yet again). Have a great day!!
