Thursday, March 26, 2009

What will you do?

Over the years I have noticed something both in scripture and in my life that I want to talk about. I have noticed that often God will "step off the stage" of my life and allow my "play" to go on with his apparent absence. He's watching from the wings to be sure, but he's left the stage to see what I will do. He is letting me make the choices, choose the script, act my part as he watches. What will I do? How will I deal with the situations of life, the temptations that come, the challenges and tests? What will I do? When the act is over I will get his commentary, but he gives me the freedom to make choices. Will I walk with him even when he's nowhere to be seen or will I choose my own way and find his bad review at the end of the play? One of the men of the bible went through this in his own's what the scripture says about his solo performance on the stage of life-
Hezekiah succeeded in everything he did.
2Ch 32:31 But when the rulers of Babylon sent emissaries to find out about the sign from God that had taken place earlier, God left him on his own to see what he would do; he wanted to test his heart.
2Ch 32:32 The rest of the history of Hezekiah and his life of loyal service, you can read for yourself--it's written in the vision of the prophet Isaiah son of Amoz in the Royal Annals of the Kings of Judah and Israel.
When God leaves you on your own to see what you will do, to test your heart, what will you do?

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