Saturday, March 07, 2009 very quiet......

Shhhhh......she's still asleep. Granddaughter #3 spent the night last night. It's her turn. She stayed up until after 1, so she's still sleeping, but I know she wakes at the slightest sound, so I'm trying to be very quiet......
It's funny how noisy children are when you don't have them under foot all the time. When you become grandparents there is a wonderful silence that is part of the home environment, but when the grandchildren come over it's all noise all the time! I can see why old people get nervous when children are around...they just aren't used to the noise level anymore.
But, we do love the sleepovers with each of the kids. #3 is a lot of fun and each one of them is so different. Each of them has such a different personality and way of looking at things. #3 is stuck in the middle of 4 children so she has to whine to get a voice and it's an unfortunate habit for her. So, this morning, I'm working as quietly as I can...enjoying the moments of silence before #3 awakes because when she does it will be all noise all the time and all about her! I love it!

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