Saturday, March 14, 2009

Saturday's cartoon


  1. So i have to ask, did the polar bear or kangaroo make it on to the ark?


  2. Jeremiah, are you ok? Some of your recent comments have been very strange. Are you ok?

  3. Am I OK?? What did you find strange? Was it my attempt to communicate that a pure heart is more important than a pure theology?

    What’s with bashing people of other spiritual/theological positions? IE: Mormons. It only tears people apart, creates division, leads to egotism and to closed hearts.

    Evangelicals seem to have a real issue with this "Us vs. anyone who doesn’t think like us" mentality. It is very damaging to the spiritual well being of everyone involved.

    You get overly concerned with being right, having the right thoughts in your head, holding the right doctrine, all at the expense of connection, love, and openness.

    "You can’t love if you’re trying to win."


  4. your comments are very sad to read. you completely missed my thoughts and my heart. I'm grieved by that. There are many words that need to be said about this, but this is not the place. The one thing you have missed, and I'm grieved by that, is that it's my love for people that makes me care about their eternity. I am not a universalist. I do not believe everyone will be saved. The bible makes clear that there IS only one way, and I want everyone to find that way. It's love that drives me, not a passion for being right. Your comments were very sad to read, I'm sorry you completely missed what I said.....

  5. I guess i didnt get the love vibe becasue i was too distracted by the picture of the wolf, or the title, or "vultures swooping in", etc...none of this conveys love as i know it. How about you? And i certainly dont think a mormon would take that as love, how about you?

    I am sorry if it grieves you, my intent was simply to motivate you towards real love without precondition or judgement. I really wish you could understand what i am saying.

    "love with an agenda is not love at all."

