Friday, March 06, 2009

Running in circles

Well, I have done it....I have found myself running in circles. It seems I'm visiting the same topics I have discussed before. I guess that happens when you pass 1,000 posts. It's strange when you realize you have already said something, but here I go again. I know I've done it when my wife just smiles at me and nods her head. She has heard some of my stories dozens of times and for some reason I forget I've told her. Sad, isn't it? Old age isn't kind. So, for one running in circles repeated themes are not intentional, just a shallow mind stomping through the same puddles I have visited before thinking I have found them for the first time. I'll take a mental break and try to stomp through some new territory. I hear myself thinking, as George Jetson said, "Jane, how do you stop this crazy thing!"

1 comment:

  1. I don't think it's old age. I think it has to do with subject matter that is so important that it bears repeating. And from what I understand about communication, it takes at least 5-6 times of hearing the same message before the hearer "gets it." So repetition is good. Keep at it, Mike!
