Thursday, March 12, 2009

Really nice pretenders

One of my dear missionary friends working in another country posted a blog entry to describe the sudden wave of missionaries from one of the major cults who have moved into his part of the world. His comments were meant to simply address their work, how nice their followers are and a few comments about the errors of their theology. His one mistake was to mention them by name! I have made that mistake myself. This cult has "missionaries" whose work is to "google" any words connected with their faith and then address comments made about them. Quickly they swoop in, like vultures attacking their prey, to kill any negative comments and address any differing views. Their claim is always the same- they say, "we are Christians too..." And with many words they defend their place among us, but they do not believe what we believe at all. Like any good cult they are masters at saying the same thing, but meaning something completely different. As my missionary friend noted- I wish most Christians lived lives as good as those in this cult, but they do it to gain salvation, and since most Christians know they are forgiven they forget Paul's words of Romans 6 where he says, "Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase? May it never be!" I wish we who are Christ followers would genuinely follow him in our lifestyle and emulate the love of Christ in our lives. I think that many in the cults actually look more like Christ than many Christians I know....oh that it were not true. No wonder so many in the generations growing up now are not following Christ. It's rare that they ever see anyone who really looks like him.....


  1. I read that blog entry last night and was shocked at the comments - one in particular which was quite lengthy. I wondered how the cult member found that entry when I saw it. I figured there must be some type of system of scanning blog posts for key words. Amazing.

    The post was well-written and very convicting. I probably am guilty many times over of mis-representing Christ.

    Have a wonderful time on your retreat!

  2. I hope I didn't make you feel guilty! You are one of the people who "get it". Well, like all of us, I'm sure you have moments. Strange responses, though. I agree.

    Funny thing about that wolf-among-the-sheep picture. I didn't catch the wolf at first glance! What an amazing visual for our need to truly test what people say against what the Bible says.

  3. I sure am glad that I'm an evangelical, otherwise i would be going straight to hell. Tough luck for all those other billions of people out there, if you only shared our theological positions there would be hope for you.

    Umm yes, this i satire. Point is God probably cares more about the condition of our hearts than he does the content of our dogmatics.

