Wednesday, March 11, 2009

New birth

Spring is a great time of year. The trees budding, the flowers blooming, green everywhere. I love it! In front of our church we have two trees that bloom with these amazing flowers for a few weeks. The smells are great. The hope of new life, the smells, and the warmth of Spring all give us hope of new beginnings. Hope for another year. The promise of new life. It's a great reminder of what God does in my life all the time. He's constantly taking what looks like dead things, things I have destroyed, and bringing new life from them. With that new life I find I have a new hope....the promise that I'm not a complete waste, not a complete failure, but that God can still use me. Spring refreshes us because it reminds us that God is and will make all things new. His new life in us will bring about an eternal Spring in our lives as he lives his life through us. There's nothing like the new beginnings of Spring!


  1. Mike, I agree. To me spring is a type of the resurrection and well as a type of regeneration. I just wish spring would get to New England soon...

  2. Jon, Sorry to tease you. I hope you get some good weather and economy news soon. Thanks for the note.

  3. Isnt it so obvious when you know what to look for? Death and rebirth is a constant theme running through the scriptures. If you were Jewish, it would be exile and return of course. The point is, the themes that run through scripture for our guidance and growth, are displayed throughout nature. The seasons are a Type of the spiritual journey. From birth to death and back again. Nature and man have an eternal aspect embedded within them.

    Enjoy the journey!

