Monday, March 30, 2009

I'm excited. Tomorrow I will be speaking at the National Conference for Grace Evangelical Society. I'm teaching one of the breakout sessions. It's only 40 minutes of teaching, but those who attend are great students of the word and I know I have my work cut out for me. I would appreciate your prayers. I have spoken in dozens of different venues over the years, but this is my first time as a speaker for a national conference. I'll let you know how it went tomorrow.


  1. That is a fantastic opportunity; congratulations. I will be praying that your teaching will be meaningful and full of impact for you and your listeners. Blessings.

  2. Just a report on the conference- I really enjoyed the GES conference. My particular session was well attended, and I had a good time. I felt a little rushed, maybe a little nervous and my computer didn't work right so that distracted me. But, I think it went well. At least they took all the copies of my paper so maybe they thought my work was worth reading. Thanks for asking.
