Wednesday, March 04, 2009


What do you think of when you hear the word "church"? Do you think of a place? Do you think of a day and time? Does sleeping in come to mind? It's unfortunate that the word "church" actually has two meaning. It has come to mean a place, but it was meant to communicate a group of people. A people called "the gathered together" family of God. It really doesn't matter where we meet. When a group of believers gather "church" happens whether it's a meeting in a restaurant, a bar, a hospital or a home. Location is never considered when this word is used in the bible. I wish we could get back to that definition. Today I was in "church" as I met with a group of ladies from our church family. We ate together, told stories and I shared with them for about 15 minutes. It was great. These dear people are some of those I get to spend eternity with. I am so excited that I will get many more opportunities to spend time with, get to know and fellowship with all those people I only get to speak to briefly now. I can't wait for that great day when I will be able to say, "why don't you come over for 1,000 years and let's have coffee and visit a bit." It will be amazing to have time to really see all that God has done in the lives of his people.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Mike for visiting us yesterday. I just got home from "church" ... a meeting of six of us in a home where we pray, have lunch together and discuss a book (Crazy Love by Francis Chan) that we are all reading. We always have a GREAT time together in one accord with our Lord. We all agreed that your comments yesterday were not only timely but very encouraging to us. You did good, my brother!
