Sunday, March 29, 2009

Anticipating Easter

We are quickly approaching the time of year when Christians remember the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the savior of the world. For those who know him it's a time of great worship because in this time we remember what God has done for us to demonstrate his great love...he became a man and died on a cross to pay for our sins. For those who don't know him it seems silly, foolish or stupid, but for the Christian it's a time of great joy as we remember and praise him for what he has done for us. It's hard for me to describe how big this really is. God's intrusion into the history of this planet and his death on the cross has marked all of human history with a key event that has changed everything. God had driven a stake in the ground and changed all of history with that action. That stake is the cross and the change is that by faith alone I can now come before a holy God, be forgiven of my sin and have eternal life! Anticipating Easter is always a time of worship for me. I'm so excited that God's love made such an amazing statement to the human race....and I'm glad I believed.

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