Friday, February 13, 2009

Thoughts on 35 years

35 years ago on February 15, 1974, to my amazement, a beautiful young lady walked down the aisle to be my wife. We had met less than 3 months earlier (yes, I said 3 months) and in that short time I fell in love with this wonderful lady. Now, 35 years later, it's better than I could have imagined. Where do 35 years go? How can you describe the years together of struggle, tears, happiness, love and at times frustration? It's really too much for words. Let me just say that I know God loves me because he has given me such an amazing wife. (I do wish he would have let me keep some of my hair though.) Together we have gone through difficult years in the pastorate when we had nothing and I was working 80 plus hours a week. We took a number of years away from the pastorate and used those years to raise our two wonderful children. That's another blessing I want to mention- our kids are most amazing because of my sweet wife, Joye. It's her love and nurture that helped them become who they are. I do wish I could take some of the credit, but alas I must bow to her amazing love and care for them. So, in celebration of 35 (all too short) years of marriage to a wonderful woman I want to say two things- Joye, I love you. Thank you for being my partner in this life we have together. And, second, Lord, thank you for giving me such an amazing wife!


  1. Congratulations! That was so sweet!

  2. The Dallas News had a sappy piece about how "in love" the Obamas were. They should have just interviewed you instead. I like your version of being in love much better. Congratulations!

  3. Amen! We miss you and love you both and we are so happy the Lord has given you 35 years together. You two are such a picture of grace to us. Thank you for loving one another!

  4. ok... pass the tissues! I love you guys so much! Thank you.

  5. How beautiful. 35 years. Congrats.
