Wednesday, February 04, 2009


Hazards are part of life. There is always something that threatens to cause us disaster, but not every hazard is what it seems....

What appears to be a hazard that will wreck your day may not be at all what you think it is. It may simply be placed there to slow you down, to draw your focus to what is ahead. Not every hazard promises disaster, not every problem will bring reality. What do you do when hazards loom? How do you deal with them? Do they cause you to focus your attention on the hazard? Does it cause you to slow your life? How do you deal with hazards? After many years I'm finding that most of the things I think will be hazards to my life and journey turn out to simply be illusions. In fact, most of the hazards that we worry about in life are simply opportunities to trust God. How do you deal with the hazards in your life?



  1. So I guess FREAK OUT and PANIC are not good answers....

  2. Before reading SM's comment, I thought "panic." Guess great minds think alike.

  3. Haha. I thought, before I went to the comments, "Freak out and then pray and trust Him".

    Seems freaking out is what many of us default too. At least at first.
