Thursday, February 19, 2009

Confusion rather than clarity

Seeing this sign made me aware of the fact that often, when we are trying to give warning and clarity, in fact we actually confuse people. I wonder how often I have done that? I thought my words were helping others to understand, but by the look on their faces I know they are more confused than ever! The confusion this sign brought to my mind was multi-layered- What other kind of children play? I thought only live children could play....maybe I am missing something. What are they playing that I need a warning? I know, as a kid, there were games we played that proved quite that what awaits me beyond this sign? Why do I need a caution? Well, you get the idea. I often read signs that create more questions than clarity. I hope I don't do that in what I say, but if that ever happens just ask me, "What on earth are you talking about?" Then I'll know...clarity, not confusion.

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