Thursday, February 12, 2009

Celebrating "Darwin Day"

"Darwin day" is February 12th. It's the celebration of the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin. From his own writings, conjectures and theories he developed the theory of evolution. Charles Darwin, a Christian most of his life who later claimed to be agnostic, postulated a theory of evolution that eliminates the need for a sovereign creator God. The theory of evolution has been taught so convincingly that many consider it truth. But, it's still only a theory. So, for all my evolution friends I hope you have a great Darwin day. For me, I'll use it to thank and celebrate the creator of everything- the God of the bible.


  1. A new poll released just in time for Charles Darwin's 200th birthday found only 39 percent of Americans say they "believe in the theory of evolution" and just 24 percent of those who attend church weekly believe in the explanation for the origin of life.,2933,491345,00.html

    The truth will set you free!

  2. "Among weekly churchgoers, only 24 percent said they believe in evolution, while 41 percent do not and 35 percent have no opinion."

    The fact that 24% of churchgoers believe that we originated without God is a really sad statistic. 35% do not have an opinion?


    What are we teaching in our churches?

  3. So, exactly how do you celebrate this day? Does everyone gives each other bananas?

  4. Is theistic evolution acceptable? Maybe the hand of God guided life on this planet and once our species was "ready", God put his spirit in them. Presto, Adam and Eve!


  5. As a follow up to my last post. I am curious, how do people feel about this massive universe and the probability that many, many planets exist with life in some form?

    If one holds a literal interpretation of the Genesis story, does that also preclude any possibility that life could exist somewhere else? Help me undersand how you think please.

  6. My opinions only, ok?

    "Is theistic evolution acceptable?"

    If you believe the bible it would be very difficult to be a theistic evolutionist. I am not a fan of this view. I believe that the only one who was there described it accurately.

    "Maybe the hand of God guided life on this planet and once our species was "ready", God put his spirit in them. Presto, Adam and Eve!"

    Sounds nice, but again, you have to deal with how God describes his work.

    "As a follow up to my last post. I am curious, how do people feel about this massive universe and the probability that many, many planets exist with life in some form?"

    Honestly, we have no info on this in the bible. I think it's possible that God has created life on other planets, but all he tells us about is life on this planet.

    "If one holds a literal interpretation of the Genesis story, does that also preclude any possibility that life could exist somewhere else? Help me undersand how you think please."

    Not at all. Life on other planets is completely possible. A creative God could easily make thousands of planets with life....we simply know nothing about it, if it is true, but the bible does not make this unreasonable. It's simply isn't the focus of the bible.

    Great questions. And a lot to think about, huh?

  7. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts, always interesting to see how people work through these issues and tie things together. My opinion is theistic evolution; it's the only way I can make sense of it all. Although, while fun to ponder the grandeur and mystery of Gods workings, my focus is a simple one of transforming hearts and lives.

    Thanks, "A simple caveman"

  8. "My opinion is theistic evolution; it's the only way I can make sense of it all."

    There's the problem right there! If you have to make sense of it then you are looking at it wrong. Why do YOU have to make sense of it? Why can't you simply believe what God says? Must it make sense to YOU??????

  9. great conversation to have over coffee. Short answer...yes, for me life is journey of discovery. As i discover Gods creation, I discover him. Through nature, through realtionships, through life, through connection with him most importantly, we grow into his likeness.

    "As the son becomes the father, the father becomes the son"
