Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Revelation of the King

I couldn't sleep....I woke up after just a few hours thinking about the unveiling of the King that is described in the book of Revelation. I'm preparing to teach through Revelation beginning next week, and when I teach a book like this it literally consumes my thoughts for weeks as I get ready for the class. I woke up thinking about the first 5 words of the book, "The revelation of Jesus Christ...." It struck me....I wonder what IS revealed about Jesus in the book so I got up to try to document what I found. Verse by verse I wanted to see if there is an ongoing unveiling of this one called the son of God. I was surprised to see that my list includes nearly every verse in chapter one and I'm just starting to work through chapter 2. It had never struck me to do this before, but as I am looking at what the book reveals about Jesus each verse, nearly every phrase unveils something more about this one who has literally changed time and history. I don't know if I have enough time to list all the verses that describe him before the class begins, but I'm going to try. I'll let you know what I find, but so far, in the 20 verses of chapter 1, I have found more than 26 different things revealed about Jesus. I have never gone through the book like this before to document, verse by verse, the revelation of Jesus Christ and I'm looking forward to discovering how many things I find about him in these 22 chapters. One thing I know already- 22 chapters are not enough to describe the most amazing, wonderful person of all time and history, the God and savior who has saved us and is soon coming to be Lord of heaven and earth. This last book of the bible is an amazing book of hope and I am looking forward to teaching it, but I am honestly overwhelmed by all I'm finding as I study it again.....I don't know if I can get through the book in only 13 weeks!


  1. That sounds like an excellent study of Revelation.

  2. Wow. That's much more amazing than what you read to me from the commentary last night!

  3. I am so pumped about the study!!!! I am ready for some brain & soul food.

    Incidentally, in Precept studies, they recommend keeping a journal of all the things you learn about God from your study. I haven't always kept up with it every time, but I am always amazed how much I can document in such a small amount of verses. It's a great activity!

  4. Man, I wish I could be in that study! Please come here and teach it. I would even settle for a crash course!

    Do you find it a curse or a blessing that you can go on so little sleep? Do you wake up going.."man! I am so tired...I just want to sleep?"

    Thanks for the post!

  5. I find that God works with me most in the middle of the night. I guess I'm like Jesus' step-dad, Joseph, God was always interupting him sleep with visions....for some of us that is the best time for God to work with us. Even without sleep, when God has awaken me, I find that I'm most rested in the morning....a special grace from God? Maybe.
