Saturday, January 31, 2009

Quote of the day

A day without sunshine is like night. - Unknown
Some of the best quotes are just obvious things no one ever thought about saying out loud. Often I feel that way as I write. When I re-read a piece that I'm working on I have to deal with the reality that this has been said before by a hundred different people and they have said it better than I could. But it's not about the obvious, it's really about sharing our lives, thoughts and hearts with each other. Words are the best way we have to let others into who we are and help each other with our own lives. Often the words are obvious things, but meet a clear need of the moment. Lift is pretty simple- we are each broken people who need three things- 1. God, 2. salvation and, 3. other people. All the rest is just the stuff that helps us through each day. Solomon said, "we all work for our stomachs." But it's more than that....we live and work for significance. We want to matter, to make a difference. We want to leave a mark on this planet when we leave....but the only eternal mark any of us will ever make is in the lives of other people. People are the only eternal things you will ever encounter. All the rest will burn up, so work on the basics....God, your relationship with him and other people. That's the obvious statement of the day, but we all need to be reminded. Today I'm writing this for me. I hope it helps you too.

1 comment:

  1. Great post Mike. Thank you for the reminder to invest in the lives of others.
