Thursday, January 15, 2009

Penn Says: A Gift of a Bible

This is a great testimony to the witness of one man, and Penn is right...if you really believe this stuff and don't tell those around you then you must really hate them. I can tell this man touched Penn, and I pray that the Lord will draw him to faith in Christ because if we are right then this stuff really is important!


  1. Great video. I know I am often worried about sharing my faith because I don't want to make someone uncomfortable or because I am afraid they will ask a question and I won't know the answer. I hope I remember the impact this stranger had on Penn and be more bold in my witness.

  2. W O W.

    "I know that there is no God", said Penn. And yet the love this man had for him to give him a little Bible cut through that enough for Penn, just maybe, to think again about the existence of a God who loves him very much indeed.

    That was deeply moving, Mike. Thank you.
