Monday, January 12, 2009

No news is good news

Every morning I start the day by reading the word and then reading a number of online "newspapers" starting with Al Jazeera, BBC, Fox News, Jerusalem Post, and a number of others. The thing that struck me this morning is that no news was good was all BAD news. Death, murder, thefts, greed, divorce and sadness. It struck me that I would really like a little oasis of good news, something encouraging, but there was nothing encouraging going on in the world today. A little fresh water of some good deed, someone doing the right thing for no reason at all, a hearty soul serving another person just because it was the right thing to do....I know these things go on, but the media seems to completely overlook the good in hopes of feeding off the bad. Probably the saddest article to me this morning was a college girl who is auctioning off her virginity to pay for grad school. I'm sad for her, but ever more grieved for a culture that would document this rather than grieve over it. In case you wondered...the bid is up to over $2 million virtue does have value after all. I guess I'm just a little burned out from wandering in the desert of bad news and wicked men and long for a day when the Lord will come and there will be no more bad news. Can you imagine it? You go online and no one killed another person. Nobody was carjacked, no banks were robbed, no one is crying today, no one had their heart broken.....can you imagine what a world it would be when sin is finally dealt its death blow? I can't wait.


  1. I can't believe the story about the college student! That is so sad. Definitely bad news...

    I don't know if you know, but I remember several years back hearing a blurb on TV about a website that was nothing but good news. Here it is (FYI)

  2. I'm wondering, where is the wealthy person willing to pay her NOT to do this...just to shed some light in her dark world?
