Sunday, January 18, 2009

How to Share Your Faith Using MythBusters

Fri, Jan. 16, 2009 Posted: 02:57 PM EST
MythBusters, the long running Discovery Channel show, sets out to test the validity of various myths, urban legends and rumors that buzz through the popular culture.
MythBusters teams have explored everything from whether accelerating into a moose causes less damage than braking to whether the Apollo moon landing was faked. Through replicating and testing, you might say they’re searching for the “truth” using the basic elements of the scientific method.
Part of MythBusters’ success is driven by the desire inside most people to determine truth from non-truth. We’re wired to care about what’s true and what isn’t…it’s part of our pursuit of justice, fairness, and science, to name a few. Truth is also a major player in our relationships with each other.
Does the pursuit of truth always involve a replicate and test scenario like the teams on MythBusters use? Fortunately, no. In fact, Jesus had some intriguing things to say about the pursuit of truth. He made several bold, radical statements about truth during His time on earth.
Check this verse out:
"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me" (John 14:6).
He didn't say, "I am a way, a truth, and a life..." He claimed He was the truth and that all truth flowed from Him, including truths in the realm of physics, truths relating to math and spiritual truth. He also promised that His truth would transform those who follow Him when He said: "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:32.)
Jesus is making a bold, audacious statement here, talking about the changes that flood into your soul when you first embrace His truth, changes born out of grace and freedom. As a follower of Jesus you’ve experienced these changes firsthand. But do you have friends who haven’t connected with Jesus’ transforming truth yet? Is it time to talk with them about the truth you’re carrying? So in MythBusters’ terminology, step up and help your friends reach a reasoned conclusion about the truth of Jesus and His message, so they can decide whether the message of the gospel should be labeled “Busted,” “Plausible” or “Confirmed.” Share some of the reasons you believe and be prepared to share your own personal story of experiencing God’s love and forgiveness. Here are a few questions to help you get started:
• Have you ever watched MythBusters?
• Do you have a favorite episode? If so, what was it?
• Have you noticed that MythBusters steers clear of exploring questions about God, the Bible and Christianity? Why do you think that is?
• Have you ever thought of the Jesus and Christianity as “just a bunch of myths”? Why or why not? Listen and share the reasons you believe. If you need help explaining this, check out the Soul Fuel article “Jesus and the MythBusters” at
In your conversations with friends, remember that most people need to have their hearts persuaded of the truth of Christ, not just their minds, so pray for your friends, talk to them about God and let them know the ways in which a relationship with Jesus has transformed your life.

Jane Dratz serves as Editor for Dare 2 Share Ministries (D2S) in Arvada, Colorado, a ministry committed to energizing and equipping teenagers to know, live, share and own their faith in Jesus. For more information about D2S, please visit
Jane DratzChristian Post Guest Columnist

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