Friday, January 23, 2009

A coffee addict

I just recently got a new coffee roaster. It has taken a few tries to get it right, but I think I have the hang of it now. Each roaster has its own little nuances, and this one is no different. I am excited about this roaster because it will roast a whole pound each time. One of the amazing things about coffee is the difference between what you buy at the store or at a coffee bar compared to fresh roasted coffee. It's hard to describe the's the contrast between a good steak and a bad hamburger. I just got a new bean in the mail yesterday and roasted some this evening for a friend. We sat in the garage where I have the roaster set up and visited while his coffee roasted. It's a great experience....the smells, the sounds, the look of the bean.....and then you get to grind the bean and drink the amazing result of your work. We are drinking some of my work this evening and it's great. I am grateful for wonderful little blessing like this and the joy of sharing it with others who really want to experience a great cup of coffee. Even little things like this are blessings from God. I wonder....could all this coffee be keeping me up at night?


  1. You are so funny! Ya' think?
    MIKE... go to sleep!

  2. Hey - be honest - how were those beans I sent you? If they were nasty, I need to know not to get those again! And also to search out more coffee sources.

    - your in country coffee smuggler

  3. Brandon, they were good, but they weren't dried. I didn't realize that, so after the first roast...when I went back to roast more...they were moldy. I didn't even think about the possibility that they might still be "wet" beans....but the coffee I got from them was very good. thanks.

  4. Oh no! Haha. Well, I bought them in a market and washed them 4 times...that may have dampened them too much. I'll dry them better...but I think I can find better beans as well. Gives me something to do :-).

    I tried roasting them without an actual roaster (meaning in a cast iron pan) and I see why you bought a roaster.

  5. I'll come sit in your garage and keep you company while you roast if you give me a sample. Coffee does not keep me awake. One of the small benefits of being ADD.

  6. Lori,

    that's a deal. you will love it, and I may convert you! I have some more Kona coming in soon and I'll call you when it gets here.
