Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Amazing people

There are some amazing people in the world, and I'm thrilled to have met many. One of the things that always intrigues me is how many of these most amazing people around us aren't looking for glory or recognition....they are just doing what they think is most important and almost by accident they become one of the amazing people we all talk about.
One of the ladies in our church, Debbie Sardone, owns a cleaning/maid service in our area and she has been cleaning homes for women recovering from cancer for free. From her own company came the desire to make this available to others and so Debbie started a national non-profit ministry that now has hundreds of cleaning services doing the same thing. This morning Debbie was on television being interviewed about this organization she started, Cleaning for a Reason, and talking about this ministry to women whose very lives are in question due to the cancer they battle. I just wanted you to know about this most amazing woman I know, Debbie Sardone.


  1. Yeah Debbie! We love Debbie and Steve! Isn't that one of the coolest things about ministry? You get to meet so many of God's wonderful servants just...doing what God wants them to do.

  2. from Jenny: I am so proud of her! It is amazing what one person can do when following the Spirit.

    Thanks for sharing this!

  3. Mike, thank you for your kind words. I appreciate it so much. To date, Cleaning For A Reason has helped over 1,200 women receive over $221,000 worth of donated cleanings. The praise truly goes to the cleaning companies involved, who are doing the work for free!
