Thursday, December 18, 2008

Just thinking

Christmas is just a week away.....I better get busy!

I'm not feeling very festive this year. I think it's because our weather has been so strange. It will be 75 tomorrow and Saturday and then in the high 20's by Monday. It's just hard to get in the holiday mood when the weather is so crazy.

Joye and I got to help serve the Sunday School teachers at their appreciation dinner last night. It was fun. We have an amazing group of servants.

I was reading in 1 Corinthians this morning and it suddenly struck me that Paul's admonition in this passage is to be willing to be a vegatarian, if needed, to keep a brother from stumbling. I hope that doesn't become necessary for me....I really like meat.

I am actually in my chair this morning, drinking coffee, reading and checking blogs and facebook. I am never home when the sun comes up in the morning....I'm feeling a little guilty.

We just roasted the last of the Kona beans that friends brought me from Hawaii. I'm sad. They were very good beans. I need to order more coffee beans soon!

I wonder how all these global financial problems will work out? What will the world look like in a year? And where did all this money go that has been lost in the last year?

I hope you have a great holiday season. Have a great day!


  1. Mike,
    I have been meaning to tell you... You drinking coffee from beans you roasted yourself from Hawaii really offends me, I think you need to abstain, it's causing me to stumble!
    j.k., brother, have a Merry Christmas!

  2. hummm I've been told there is a correlation between drinking coffee and .... hummmmm not sleeping.... hummmm ahhhh... but you have to admit sometimes it is worth it :-)

  3. Kona beans....the best! Like I've said before, life is too short to drink bad coffee!
