Thursday, December 11, 2008

Behind the bell

One of the guys in our church stopped by Wal-Mart last night. During this time of the year we all notice the Salvation Army volunteers ringing the bell to raise support for the Salvation Army ministry, but often we look away to avoid eye contact. Sometimes we will put a few dollars in the bucket, but rarely do we look at those behind the bell.
Last night he did notice the man behind the bell and talked to him. This bell ringer was a man in his 30's who told him that he is homeless and lives in a tent on the other side of town. He also told my friend that he just had his bicycle stolen, his only means of transportation. Our guy went into the store, but couldn't put this man out of his mind. He has so much, but here is a homeless man living in a tent who had his bicycle stolen.
Then he thought, "I have a few dollars extra and Wal-Mart has bicycles." He went back to the bicycle section, found a good bike for the price and bought it. He told the salesman what he was doing, and needed it prepared for the man behind the bell so he could get back to his tent for a cold nights sleep.
As he purchased the bike at checkout he couldn't help himself, he had to tell the cashier what he was doing....he was excited to be able to give something to someone who had nothing. He took the bike out to his new friend and presented it to him. Then he learned more. His name is John and he has cerebral palsy. (Could this story get any sadder?) John was excited to have the new wheels, but didn't know if he could shift it. My friend gave him the receipt and told him to exchange it if he needed a different bike, and then walked to his car....almost floating on air.
How blessed we are. How much we have. How often we overlook those who have nothing. My friend had a wonderful day yesterday and has nothing to show for it but a smile that won't go away....
Eph 5:1 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children;
Eph 5:2 and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.


  1. i was there at that walmart that night. i watched as the bike was purchased and saw the person who was doing the purchasing. i saw the excitement about giving something needed to somebody in need written on his face. i was working at the customer service desk when our friend came in to exchange the bike because he could not work the shifters with his cerebral palsy. i was the one who got to work with him and do the exchange. he was so excited about getting the bike and being able to get back to his tent home safely. it was a neat thing to watch the excitement of both the giver and the receiver. i even got to be part of the solution to the problem. what a neat experience. :)

  2. Stephanie,

    I'm glad you got to be part of this wonderful blessing.
