Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The arrogance of fools

There is a poster on display in the Washington state capitol building. It's an interesting statement of "faith", or maybe I should say lack of faith. It's arrogant, and foolish. Here is what it says-
"At this season of the Winter Solstice may reason prevail.
There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell.
There is only our natural world.
Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."
Whether those who made this poster know it or not it is a statement of faith, it is an absolute statement of faith. What's most interesting to me is that this statement of faith is based on no evidence, no experience, no facts at all.....only a dogmatic "belief" that this is true. It's a statement that shouts, "I will not believe, I will not believe...there is no God, I will not be accountable to him...I'm the master of my own fate." And as they stomp their feet in protest to God's rule he rules anyway. The bible clearly says, "The fool has said in his heart, 'there is no god!'" This statement of "faith" is the temper tantrum of the atheist, but it makes no difference to God's existence...he's still the sovereign of the universe, he's still there....alive and well.
It's the same thing John describes in Revelation when God's judgment is evident to the world and yet the world will not repent, those who resist God will not surrender. Those who maintain this statement of faith declare, without any proof at all, that they "know" there is no supernatural world only because they don't want one to exist, and yet God reveals himself in millions of different ways. The only way you can come to this belief is to boldly turn your back on the God who is there, and they do. They fulfill what Paul describes in Romans 1.....and so God turns them over to their wishes and their ways, and ultimately to their own eternity away from the God they deny and want no part of.
I choose to bow my knee to the God who is, the only God who is...the God who reveals himself, his grace and his love through his word, the bible.

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