Monday, December 08, 2008

Anticipating Christmas

It's interesting to read the newspapers online this time of year. The wording of the stories is fascinating and the content often very strange. It seems the world wants the fantasy of Christmas, but not the reality. The story this morning was from a paper in Australia that presumes to solve the "mystery of the star." They write about this event as myth, but then try to explain it with science and astronomy.

For this simple Christian I'm just grateful that on a day in time and history the God of the universe was born into our world with the intent plan of dying to save the human race. It is THE story of history....the invasion of the love of God into the history of planet earth. I am a grateful recipient of that love, and am glad that God gave us the greatest gift of all times and makes it available to anyone who will accept it...the free gift of salvation by faith alone.
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