Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2009 wish list

Ok, it's almost 2009. A new year. A new chance to dream. IF it were possible (dreams aren't restricted by money or reality) what would you like to do or accomplish in the new year?

Here's my list-

1. Take a motorcycle ride somewhere unusual.

2. Take a long walk without my foot hurting. (I'm still having problems from my fall in February.)

3. See all the states I haven't been to yet.

4. Get some time to really rest without any deadlines.

5. Have an opportunity to go overseas and teach in places I haven't been to yet.

There's my short list. What's on yours?


  1. stay employed

    3) also...see the states. I only have six more to see....

  2. Definitely you need to see states 49 and 50 to our USA - both are my 2 favorites!

    I'm praying for Craig to find a job that makes him happy. It's been a rough few years. I'm ready for some laughs again...

  3. lived in Alaska for 4 years...including the Cuban missle crisis... Found Montana to be colder....
    Need to hit the NE (Maine, NH, VT, MASS, RI) and Hawaii.

  4. I don't think I laugh as much as I used to. Seems like we are going so fast to get things done that we don't have much fun anymore. Maybe it's a phase. However, I bet there are people in similar situations that are having fun. I'm looking for a little of that!
